Clean Waters

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Recognizing Florida’s Invasive Species

Water Lettuce

Pistia Stratiotes

Easily recognized floating aquatic plants resembling “heads of lettuce”; Water Lettuce has think, light green leaves, without any leaf stalks. Because of it’s ability to spread quickly, clog waterways, and overtake native vegetation, Water Lettuce is a prohibited in Florida.

Water Hyacinth

Eichhornia Crassipes

The infamous Water Hyacinth can be found throughout Florida, and is among the worst “aquatic weeds” as it grows in nearly all freshwater environments. Although it’s striking flowers and bright green leaves may have ornamental enticements, Water Hyacinth forms dense mats - leaving native plants and fish at risk of decline, not to mention the halting of water recreation.


Hydrilla Verticillata

This submerged plant can stem up to the surface from 20-25 feet. Capable of growing in very little sunlight and in nearly any of Florida’s freshwaters, Hydrilla impedes water flow from within, invading submersed natives and taking away from recreational enjoyment such as fishing, boating, and swimming.

Wild Taro

Colocasia esculenta

Dotted Duckweed

Landoltia punctata

Brazilian Peppertree

Schinus terebinthifolia


Melaleuca quinquenervia

Chinese Tallow

Triadica sebifera


Alternanthera philoxeroides

Water Spinach

Ipomoea aquatica

Eurasian Water-Milfoil

Myriophyllum spicatum

Crested Floating Heart

Nymphoides cristata